Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Importance of Telling Stories

            Telling stories have been the magic way to persuade other people; moreover, stories have been always used in our live and in education. From a child’s perspective, there is something amazing, irresistible about being told a story.  Magically, the story proceeds from the elder’s mouth, from their person. Moreover, children at any level of schooling who do not feel as competent as their peers in reading or writing are often masterful at storytelling. Also, telling stories to children encourages them to tell their own stories as if they mattered. Additionally, story is a series of events told in an interesting way.
            As a Muslim, stories are very important because our holy book “ The Quran “ contains a lot of stories and events that occur in the life of prophet Mohammed and the previous period of the others prophets such as, the stories of Adam, Moses, Abraham, and Jesus (Peace be upon them). These stories are used as lessons to teach the believers about their religion and about others religions. Also, stories in The Quran are teaching Muslim about their duty in their daily life. For example, praying and the description of it, how many time per day and how the Prophet Mohammed and his companions used to pray. Moreover, it has all the important in the life such as, the relationship between children and their parents and how they should respect they, how to respect and help poor people, how to be nice and generous to strangers, and so on.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let’s Use Electric Cars and Safe our Planet

Electronic cars are still not familiar for many people, and many

people still refuse the idea of using electronic car. On the other

hand, regular cars still causing destruction for the environment by

the smoke that exhaust-pipe spread on streets. Last week, San

Francisco decided to placing free electric-vehicle chargers around

the city. This decision will encourage the people, who were afraid 

of the charging issue, to take an important step and buy an electric 

car. The chargers will be available in 20 city-owned garages, 

including the garages at San Francisco International Airport. 

These chargers will solve the problem that the current available 

electric cars can only travel 100 miles or less without a recharge. 

Also, The Government are supporting the installation of the 

electric-car charging stations in San Francisco, and will soon

host 15.000 station around the state, some of them public. 

Furthermore, President Obama announced a goal of having 

a million electric cars on U.S. roads by 2015.

    I really like this Idea of electric cars, and I wish in the soon future

everybody is using these type of car, so we can all together 


Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Conjoined Twins' Separation Surgeries in Saudi Arabia

The conjoined twins' separation surgeries always make me proud of our country because

Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world which make these kinds of dangerous surgeries

and gives hopes for many conjoined twins around the world. In December, 1990, the first

successful surgery was done for Saudi female twins,whom were conjoined in the abdomen

and the liver. This surgery took the Saudi team who did this operation only four hours.

 After this success, the president of the medical team, which does the surgeries, Doctor

Abdullah Al-Rabiah, the minister of health in Saudi Arabia, and his team continue their

success in doing these surgeries. They have helped children from different parts of the world

such as Egypt, Sudan, Malaysia, Poland, the Philippines, and others countries.In February,

1992, the second successful operation did for the Sudanese twins Samah and Heba, whom

were conjoined in Chest, abdomen and pelvis, and have three shared legs.This was just the

beginning; nowadays, Saudi Arabia has the best experience in this field with sixty-three

cases from seventeen countries, of which twenty-eight were successful and the rest were

not eligible to separate. Additionally, all these surgeries were covered financially by King

Abdullah and the Saudi government, and all future surgeries will be covered, too.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Influence of Riverside

 Nine months ago, I arrived to Riverside from my country. For the first time living outside my country, it was a little hard on me to adjust with the American live; however, after quite short time living here, I could use to Riverside live. I could say that Riverside is a very nice city for me for several reasons. First, it is a very quite city, and that is nice for study, and find a good environment to focus in what I am here for. Since I have lived in a big city whole of my life, it is a good opportunity to change my life style. For example, back home, I could not focus in my study since there are many things interrupt me such as; appointment with family, entertain with friends and other things. On the other hands, in Riverside, the environment is really appropriate for study and everyone is studying everywhere; in the school, in the library, in the coffee shop or even in the gym. Second, Riverside has a strategic location in California. It is almost in the middle to all the important cities and areas in California; moreover, the weather is very suitable during the whole year. I can spend a wonderful time during the weekend visiting Los Angeles or San Diego, for example. Even thought, San Francisco or Las Vegas far by only a couple hours only .Finally, I do not spend a lot of money here compared to what are my friends in other big cities in California, like  Los Angeles or San Francisco, spend.  For example, the housing is cheaper that other cities, and the transportation, and all the other services as well. In conclusion, Riverside is a nice, quiet, and safe city. The people here are so friendly. I am so lucky to live in this city and I would like to stay here the whole time during my study in America.

Welcom :)

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